读后续写教学设计4-徐奚潇 2022-04-12
网站类目:资源共享 资源学科:英语 资源类别: 资源年级:高二 选用情况:学科网已选用 资源内容:读后续写


Overcoming Adversity

On the bus headed to the United States from Mexico, I experienced the saddest and longest ride I ever had. The thoughts of me not seeing my friends and family again were taking over my mind and causing a strong sense of depression. As I headed to a place I didn’t want to call home, minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like days.

“Welcome to the United States,” the driver said at the immigration checkpoint. The Officers repeatedly asked me for my passport, but I didn’t understand a single word coming out of their mouth. After we sorted out all the confusion we were on our way. With 3 hours left, a new thought took over my mind: stupidity. Not being able to understand a new language was the cause of my feeling. This filled me with a burning rage that I had never felt before.

Not understanding the new language I was introduced to was always a problem that I struggled with alone. In school, I felt like the problems were growing rapidly and I was losing control. The transition from being a straight-A student in Mexico to being a straight F student in the United States wasn’t easy and left me wondering if I could ever belong here. I was always known as the weird(怪的)Mexican in the classroom. Making friends was always hard because no one wanted to hang out with the weirdo(怪人)in the class.

I told myself that if I wanted to overcome my problem I had to practice it more. When it came to group assignments, I thought that it was the perfect moment to carry out my plan to hold a conversation with someone else. The moment arrived, I was nervous that it was my time to speak in the group. With a stutter(结巴), my first words came out of my mouth. “Hey my name is Jesus,” I said with a strong Mexican accent. Everyone in the group burst out laughing and the cause of their joy was my strong Mexican accent. This made me want to crawl up into a little ball and start crying in front of everyone.

After a year of hard work and long practices came my first success in reading.

A simple “Hey how are you” could be the icebreaker between people. _______


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150词左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

I. Reading and Comprehension

1. Individual work

Fill in the blanks according to the text.


I, from Mexican into USA


An English class in early May



The saddest and longest ride

As I headed to a place I didn’t want to call home, minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like days.

I was _____(1)_____ to leave my own country and the journey made me stuck in ____(2)____.

Para. 2

At the immigration checkpoint

The Officers repeatedly asked me for my passport, but I didn’t understand a single word ...This filled me with a burning rage that I had never felt before.

The_____(3)_____ made me feel _____(4)______.

Para. 3

In school and class

The transition from being a straight-A student...if I could ever belong here.

I was always known as the weird Mexican...hang out with the weirdo in the class.

My lagging behind in studies prevented me from securing a sense of _____(5)______; I felt isolated from others due to my ______(6)_______.

Para. 4

A doomed attempt to socialize

Everyone in the group burst out laughing...strong Mexican accent...crying in front of everyone.

Due to my____(7)______, my attempt to strike up a conversation ended in _____(8)______ and made me the laughing stock of the whole class.

Para. 5


After a year of hard work and long practices came my first success in reading.

Para. 6


A simple “Hey how are you” could be the icebreaker between people.


Life does have its share of storms, despite which, we should be tough and resolved to _________(11)_________.

2. Group work

Have a discussion with your group members and use nouns, adjectives or phrases to describe how I felt at different moments or stages.

On my way to the USA:___(1)____

At the immigration checkpoint:___(2)___

Failing academically & sociably:___(3)____

Breakdown in front of

the class:____(4)____

My first success in

reading class:___(5)___

Breaking ice with “Hey how are you”:___(6)____

My barriers to fitting in:


I feel like an outsider.

My secrets to fitting in:


I feel like an insider.

II. Thinking and prediction

1. Pay attention to the related sentences below and make your guesswork reasonable.

Para. 4:

My first speaking in public:

With a stutter... “Hey my name is Jesus,” I said with a strong Mexican accent.

My classmates’ reaction:

Everyone in the group burst out laughing and... was my strong Mexican accent.

My feeling:

This made me want to crawl up into a little ball and start crying in front of everyone.

Para. 1:

My suffering:

As I headed to a place I didn’t want to call home...the hours felt like days.

Para. 3:

My difficult situation:

I was always known as the weird Mexican in the classroom. Making friends was always hard because no one wanted to hang out with the weirdo in the class.

Para. 4:

My self-introduction proved a failure and disaster, which became an invitation to laughter.

Para. 5:

My reading proved a ____(1)______, which won me the ___(2)____ of my teacher and ___(3)____ of my classmates.

Para. 3:

I had difficulty socializing due to my Mexican background.

Para. 6:

My ____(4)___ and communicative skills improved, which helped me ___(5)____ the society and gave me a sense of ___(6)____.

What to include in Para. 8 and 9:

Para. 5: ______________(7)__________________

Para. 6: ______________(8)__________________

III. Writing and assessment

1. Try to think over the scenario of the continuation part with the created scenes.

Scene 1: Before reading in front of the class, I must have a mental struggle, how to describe my uneasiness?


Scene 2: sentences from the text suggesting my classmates’ reaction when my first group speaking

ended in failure:


If a student, long neglected and laughed at, experiences his first success, how to describe his feeling as well as the reactions of his teacher and classmates to his first success?


Scene 3: sentences from the text suggesting my poor sociability:


How to describe my improved sociability:


2. Complete the continuation task and then exchange your draft with your partner to assess and revise according to TSCA.












Possible keys

I. Reading and Comprehension

1. (1) reluctant

(2) loneliness and homesickness

(3) language barrier

(4) stupid and humiliated

(5) belonging

(6) Mexican cultural background

(7) strong Mexican accent

(8) Failure

(9) My first success in reading

(10) “Hey how are you”

(11) overcome adversities

2. (1) loneliness & homesickness

(2) embarrassment & awkwardness

(3) sense of belonging lost

(4) despair & humiliation

(5) amazement/anticipation & excitement & motivation

(6) sense of belonging retrieved

(7) language barrier

(8) greeting and conversation

II. Thinking and prediction

1. (1) success

(2) praise

(3) applause

(4) sociability

(5) fit into

(6) belonging

(7) The assignment & my feeling before and while reading & my classmates’ reaction

(8) My greeting & my improvement in sociability and changes & a lesson learned

III. Writing and assessment

1. (1) I could feel my forehead dripping with sweat and my heart racing like crazy. I could hear

some of my classmates chuckling and whispering./ I was caught in a dilemma about

whether to take the challenge.

(2) Everyone in the group burst out laughing and the cause of their joy was my

strong Mexican accent. This made me want to crawl up into a little ball and start

crying in front of everyone.

(3) To my amazement, my reading was followed my a burst of applause from my classmates,

who laughed at me due to my Mexican accent in the previous year./ Even the teacher who was known for a rarity of praising students gave me a thumb up.

(4) I was always known as the weird Mexican in the classroom. Making friends

was always hard because no one wanted to hang out with the weirdo in the class.

(5) Finally I got rid of the label as a weirdo and won the friendship of many. Every weekend

saw the merry scene of my handing out with some of my friends.

Possible version:

Paragraph 1

After a year of hard work and long practices came my first success in reading. Each of us was assigned one paragraph of a text which centered around a celebrity who migrated from Mexico to the USA and made a success of himself. Time elapsed and then came my turn. I could feel my forehead dripping with sweat and my heart racing like crazy. I could hear some of my classmates chuckling and whispering. Giving up would be a simple denial to my hard work and practice. The example of my compatriot refilled me with strength. With an American accent and without a stutter I completed my part. To my amazement, my reading was followed my a burst of applause from my classmates, who laughed at me due to my Mexican accent in the previous year.

Paragraph 2

A simple “Hey how are you” could be the icebreaker between people. My success wiped out the long-held fear of socializing. I took the initiative to greet classmates and converse with them. It was clumsy and awkward at first, but my confidence grew every time I got a smile or greeting in response. Finally I got rid of the label as a weirdo and won the friendship of many. Every weekend saw the merry scene of my handing out with some of my friends. The USA eventually became the place which I would call home and where I would partly belong. Considering the hardships I’ve pulled through, my transition from an outsider to an insider sounded like a miracle. From the bottom of my heart, I felt grateful for adversity without with I wouldn’t have made the unrealistic a reality.