读后续写教学设计5-徐奚潇 2022-04-12
网站类目:资源共享 资源学科:英语 资源类别: 资源年级:高二 选用情况:学科网已选用 资源内容:


I was in my room, slowly getting ready to head to the community theater with the rest of my family. I wasn't in the mood for being onstage.

“Katecome here,” my mom called from down the hall.

I found my mom outside the bathroom, holding a wet book. Henry, my new stepbrother, was nearby, working on a complicated string knot (), as usual.

My mother gave the book a shake. “Henry's book is in the bathtub. Did you put it there?""

“Not on purpose," I said. “It was already on the edge, and it happened to fall in when I stepped out of the tub."

My mother glared at me, something she never did before I had a stepfamily. “You could have picked it up," she said. "That would have been the kind thing to do."

As Henry walked ahead of us to the car, my mom took me aside. “This is our corner of the world nowKate,” she said. "Let 's try to make it a good one."

The community theater was busy when we got there. Theater used to be what my mom and I did together—one play a year for our special thing. With Henry involved, it didn't seem so special anymore.

Henry's dad, who had arrived earlier to help set up, was already in costume. “Dear children," he called in a theatrical voice, “Come to Father.” I thought he was a nice guy even before he and my mother started dating. Unfortunately, I now had a stepbrother to deal with.

Soon, it was curtain time. I peeked (偷看) out at the audience and noticed that the darkened theatre was full. My heart beat faster. I forgot my annoyance at Henry as the lead actress sang“The hills are alive with the sound of music! .” Nothing compared to show nights.

Before long, it was my turn. I went onstage, song book in hand. As we kids lined up before Henry's dad, who was playing the part of our father, I realized how poorly I'd tied the string on my skirt which was over leggings (打底裤). I should have asked my mom for help.

Paragraph 1

And then, suddenly, the string knot on my skirt came untied._________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2

I shot Henry a grateful glance.__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________



1. 所续写短文的词数应为150词左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

I. Reading and Comprehension

1. Individual work

   Read the text with attention paid to the following sentences, and figure out the implication and make reasonable predictions accordingly.

Implicative sentences



Para. 3:

Henry...string knot, as usual.

Henry was _____(1)______

tying the string knots.

Henry would probably


Para. 6 and Para. 7:

My mother glared at me...

“This is our corner now..."

My mother ____(3)____the

way I treated Henry and hopes

to influence changes in me.

I would finally realize that _____(4)______ .

Para. 8:

Theater used to be ... anymore.

My enthusiasm for theatre

_____(5)_____ due to Henry.

I would probably ___(6)____ thanks to Henry.



explains how things

end up in the story.


occurs when the problem reaches a high point.


introduces the

characters and setting.

Falling Action______

includes the events meant

to solve the conflicts.

Rising Action_____

includes the events

leading up to conflicts.

Story Mountain

Group work

  Read the text for plots and figure out

 the following parts of the story mountain

II. Thinking and Prediction

1. Scaffolding for thinking: try to work out the functions of two minor characters and the theme

before later

The change of my attitude towards Henry

The role of my mum functions as a reflection of ______(2)_____

The role of my stepfather serves as a foreshadowing of _______(3)______

The theme of the story: ___(1)____

My mother

My stepfather

I (Kate)


____(4)_____ ____(5)_____

The reason for change




2. Try to predict the plots according to the following scenes:

Para. 1: And then, suddenly, the string knot on my skirt came untied.

Para. 2: I shot Henry a grateful glance.

From ______(1)______ (the given sentence in Para. 3), we can infer it was _______ who __________, and then my performance was able to proceed.

From the key word ___(2)___, we can infer I _____________, and thanks to this incident and through self-examination, I finally realized that ____________.

Scene 1: What would you do if you belt comes untied in public?


Para. 1: If the scene arose onstage, how would Henry help Kate without being noticed?


Scene 2: What would you do if you feel grateful for somebody who did you a timely favour?


Para. 2: If you had treated your helper unfairly before, how would you thank him?


III. Writing and assessment

Complete the continuation task and then exchange your draft with your partner to assess and revise according to TSCA.












I. Reading and Comprehension

1. (1) interested in / good at                   (2) help me out by fastening the string knot

(3) disapproved of                         (4) I had treated Henry unfairly before

(5) seemed to decline / wane                 (6) regain confidence in theatre

2. Background: I had great difficulty dealing with Henry and his father 

Rising Action: We’re engaged in a community performance

Climax: The string knot came untied

Falling Action: Henry helped me out

Resolution: I thanked Henry for his help

II. Thinking and Prediction

1. (1) Love is the remedy for prejudice and estrangement.

(2) my attitude towards Henry was prejudice and indifference

(3) my attitude towards Henry was going to change.

(4) indifference, annoyance, misunderstanding, prejudice

(5) gratitude, understanding, understanding, respect

(6) Henry helped me out when my knot came

2. (1) Henry, my new stepbrother, was nearby, working on a complicated string knot, as usual.

Henry; helped me tighten the string knot.

(2) grateful; would thank Henry for his help; my previous attitude towards Henry was based 

on ignorance and prejudice and it was time to change and cherish.

(3) To make up an excuse to leave and fasten the belt in secrecy

(4) To work out the knot with proficiency/to surround Kate with the wall formed by other

     kids onstage/to take advantage of the theatrical lines

(5) To express thanks very naturally.

(6) To express thanks with mixed feelings ( touched, grateful, guilty, ashamed ) 

Possible version:

Paragraph 1

And then, suddenly, the string knot on my skirt came untied. Burning with anxiety, my heart was violently pounding as if to break away from the chest. My knees kept trembling and hot sweat streaming down the spine. Though reluctant, I cast a hopeless look in Henry's direction which was suggestive of my awkward situation. I whispered in his ear: “My knot came untied. Please help me out.” It didn’t take long before Henry understood my situation and took instant action. He was heard to say in a theatrical voice, “My dear sister, it’s windy and chilly, let me fasten your string knot in case of catching a cold.” To my amazement, hardly had he finished speaking when he worked out an exquisite string knot.

Paragraph 2

I shot Henry a grateful glance. Despite myself I responded, “It’s very considerate of you, my dear brother.” He responded with an encouraging smile as if saying, “It's nothing more than a small incident, no frustration but endeavour.” Confidence was regained and thoughts marshaled. The performance proceeded and turned out to be a great success since it was greeted by a burst of applause among the audience. Offstage, I went straight to Henry and conveyed my genuine thanks, “The knot, to you it may be a small piece of cake, but to me it means a lot .” Engraved in my mind was Henry’s reply: “I'm your brother, whether onstage or offstage.” At that moment, words failed to convey my mixed feelings. A voice was speaking inside: “This is our corner of the world now and I’ll try to make it a good one.”